Vote to Name the Village's Newest Public Open Space (Round 1)!
This summer, the Village of Antioch will unveil its newest public open space area in Downtown Antioch. Years of planning and construction have gone into making this a first-class addition to our downtown business district. Every detail has been planned and reviewed extensively to ensure this becomes a lasting centerpiece of our community. The design was developed with extensive input from Antioch residents and stakeholders. Now it’s time to choose a name for the open space development that celebrates the Village of Antioch.
Eligible submissions will be accepted from residents of the Village of Antioch. Criteria for the names should include relevance to the redevelopment site’s historical value, geographical location, mission, and other notable connections to the village of Antioch. Names that are similar to existing parks, properties, or facilities will not be considered to avoid confusion. All nominations will be reviewed by the Village of Antioch Parks Commission. The Parks Commission will then narrow the submissions to its top choices, which will then be presented to the public for voting.
Submitters will be asked to include a brief statement explaining why they think their suggested name is appropriate, plus their name, address, phone number, and email address.
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Question 5