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Broken Arrow
Roadway Improvements Survey
~5 min survey
Expires on 06/27/2024
Over the last 10 years, the City of Broken Arrow has widened approximately 15.5 miles of arterial streets to improve the roadway and ease traffic congestion. As previously directed by voters who approved past General Obligation Bond propositions, approximately 10 more miles are currently in the construction cycle, with several nearing the construction phase. To review the remaining roadway improvement projects, please visit the Capital Improvements and GO Bond projects interactive map.
As we look ahead to the 2026 General Obligation Bond election, we need your feedback to help identify the next roadway improvement projects that you believe should be included in the next bond package.
This survey closed on 06/27/2024
Please rate the following potential north/south roadway improvement projects to indicate your level of support for each to be included in the upcoming 2026 GO Bond election.
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If we didn’t list a north/south roadway you would like to be considered, please write your suggestion here.
Please rate the following potential east/west roadway improvement projects to indicate your level of support for each to be included in the upcoming 2026 GO Bond election.
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If we didn’t list an east/west roadway you would like to be considered, please write your suggestion here.
Please rate the following potential intersection improvement projects to indicate your level of support for each to be included in the upcoming 2026 GO Bond election.
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If we didn’t list an intersection you would like to be considered, please write your suggestion here.