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Bloomington, IN

Climate Ready Communities Survey

~3-4 min survey
Expires on 10/02/2023

Climate Vulnerability Survey

We are updating the City of Bloomington’s Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment that was initially created in 2020 to help our community adapt to climate change impacts that are underway and expected to increase over time. 

Climate Change Impacts in Bloomington, IN 

  • From 1950 to 2020, the annual average temperature in Bloomington increased by approximately 1.2°F

  • Hotter summers and milder winters may become the new normal, impacting public health, energy demand, and the local economy.

  • Extreme precipitation events, defined as heavy downpours, have become more frequent in recent years. These intense rain events can lead to localized flooding, placing strain on infrastructure, property, and public safety.

We need your help to understand how climate change will affect our community and the people who live here. 

Your responses will become part of a larger report that will identify ways to prepare our community for these changes. 

Please take a few minutes to answer our brief survey.


How concerned are you about climate change for our community?


Please provide any additional thoughts to your concern level here.

How much do each of the following potential climate impacts concern you?


Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Please select
Are there climate impacts not listed above that you are particularly concerned about? Please share them here.

What is your favorite thing about our community? What do you love the most about living here?

Please tell us more about yourself. These questions are optional but will help us understand the needs and concerns of specific populations within our community.
What is your housing situation?

Please select the zip code where you live or spend most of your time in the community.

What is your household income level?

What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be.)

Choose all that apply
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